What STIs Cause Painful Ejaculation?

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Painful ejaculation is a fairly common symptom that can indicate several different conditions. It’s important to discuss this symptom with your doctor, as it can negatively impact sexual health.

The most common causes of painful ejaculation are infections or inflammation in the testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, penis, or urethra. These include STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.


Chlamydia is a common bacterial sexually transmitted disease (STI) that can cause painful ejaculation and other symptoms. It is most often spread through unprotected vaginal or anal sex but can also be passed to newborns. If left untreated, chlamydia can damage the reproductive organs and lead to serious health complications in both men and women.

It can be difficult to diagnose chlamydia because many people have no symptoms and the infection can go unnoticed for long periods of time. Infection can cause a variety of symptoms including pain or a burning sensation during sex, pain when you urinate, discharge from the penis or anal bleeding. In women, a chlamydia infection can also cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), urethritis, and tubal factor infertility.

In some cases, pain during sex or urination can be caused by an inflammation of the epididymis, a tube in the testicles that stores and transports sperm. This condition is called epididymo-orchitis and may be treated with antibiotics. In other cases, it is a sign of more serious conditions such as testicular torsion, which can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Because a lot of nerves are involved in ejaculation and urination, it is possible for some conditions to cause these symptoms. A doctor will examine a man and take into consideration his medical history, current medications and any recent sexual activity. He may recommend a pelvic exam, blood tests, urine analysis, or ultrasounds to confirm the diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment.


The bacteria that cause gonorrhea are called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It can be spread through sex, especially between people in close contact. It’s more common in men than women, and it can be transmitted from a man to a woman through vaginal, oral or anal sex. Women who have gonorrhea might not have any symptoms, but they can pass it to their babies during a C-section delivery. Gonorrhea can also affect the throat and joints, causing pain when swallowing or an itchy feeling in the mouth. It can also lead to painful urination, a burning sensation when peeing and a pus-like discharge.

Gonorrhea is more likely to occur in young people, and it can damage a woman’s reproductive organs, making it hard or impossible to get pregnant. If a man has gonorrhea, he might not experience any symptoms, but he might have pain during or after ejaculation and a burning feeling when peeing (dysuria).

In some cases, painful ejaculation may be caused by a medication or a psychological problem like depression. For these reasons, it’s always best to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. It’s also important to practice safe sex and have regular checkups with your physician to reduce the risk of infection.


Painful ejaculation is also known as male dysorgasmia and can be caused by conditions affecting the penis, urethra, testicles, scrotum or prostate gland. The symptoms can be brought on by infections or irritations, such as an enlarged prostate or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Surgical complications and certain antidepressants are also known to cause painful ejaculation in men. If syphilis is diagnosed, treatment with penicillin typically cures the infection and eliminates the symptom. The patient will need to avoid sexual contact until follow-up tests indicate that the disease is no longer present.

Other STIs that can cause painful ejaculation include genital herpes and trichomoniasis. These conditions may also cause sores around the genital area or painful urination. They can also be spread through vaginal and anal sex. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, find a local Rapid STD Testing location and get tested.

Most STDs can be easily treated with antibiotics or other prescription medications. In some cases, the symptoms will go away on their own after a certain period of time. However, you should never ignore them. It is important to seek diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible so that you can get your condition under control before it becomes more serious. It is also recommended to practice safe sex and to take an STD test frequently.


Trichomoniasis, or trich, is an infection caused by a single-celled protozoan parasite. It can cause painful ejaculation, as well as itching and discharge in the vulva and penis. It can also cause an enlarged prostate gland, which is called prostatitis. Trich can be spread during unprotected sex, by sharing sex toys, and by touching your own or your partner’s genitals with dirty hands. It usually infects the vulva and the tube that carries semen out of the body (the urethra), but it can also infect the head of the penis or the prostate gland. It doesn’t infect other body parts like the mouth or anus.

It’s hard to tell if you have trich, because most people with the infection don’t have any symptoms. Health care providers diagnose trichomoniasis by examining the genital area and testing a sample of vaginal or penis fluid for signs of the infection. They can also test for other STIs that might be causing your symptoms.

Your health care provider will prescribe antibiotics to treat trichomoniasis. Antibiotics such as metronidazole (Flagyl) or tinidazole (Tindamax) clear up the infection in most people. You’ll need to take the medicine for about 2 weeks, even if you feel better before then. Your doctor might recommend that all of your sexual partners get treated, too, even if they don’t have any signs of the infection.

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