Heart Disease and Over Sex Side Effects in Females

woman wearing silver-colored ring

Having too much sex can cause several health problems. If you have a condition like heart disease, frequent sex can make your symptoms worse.

Some prescription medications and even some over-the-counter drugs can affect libido and your ability to get aroused or experience orgasm. This includes SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants.

Vaginal Excoriation

The female genitals are called the vulva and when they have conditions causing itching, burning or stinging, they can cause emotional distress and problems with self-image. Vulvar disorders can also lead to sexual dysfunction. When these conditions occur, recovery may take weeks, months or even longer. The condition most frequently associated with itchiness and pain in the vulva is irritant or allergic vulvovaginitis, which involves the labia majora and minora and causes red, itchy skin with scaly areas, and sometimes swollen glands. These conditions can be caused by contact with irritants such as imidazole antifungals, neomycin, latex condoms, perfumed soaps or bubble baths, and some types of lubricant. Other causes of vulvar dermatitis include infections, chronic inflammatory bowel disease and the use of hormones such as birth control pills.

The first step in evaluating vulvar symptoms is to get a detailed history. The clinician should ask the patient about when the symptom started and whether it is acute or chronic. The patient should be asked about her sexual behavior and if she has any other symptoms, such as fever or abdominal pain. The clinician should also assess the type of discharge and its odor.

Patients with infection-related vaginitis are treated with antibiotics or a clotrimazole suppository. Clotrimazole is an effective vaginal antifungal that has superior efficacy in head-to-head trials compared to other topical products.

Vaginal Infections

A woman can develop bacterial vaginitis, also known as BV, when germs get into the vulva or vagina. The infection can cause painful urination, itching in the outer genital area and abnormal or excessive vaginal discharge. The fungus that causes BV may spread to the urethra, increasing the risk of infection with the sexually transmitted disease (STD) chlamydia or to the internal reproductive organs causing gonorrhea. Infection with these organisms can increase the chance of pelvic inflammatory disease, which may lead to infertility or tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. Women with BV are more likely to develop other infections such as trichomoniasis or a yeast infection, called candidiasis.

These infections can be caused by sex with an infected partner, but they can also be the result of irritation from hygiene sprays and perfumes, menstrual pads, laundry soaps, synthetic fibers, bathwater additives or certain medications such as steroids or chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer or organ transplants. A weakened immune system can also make people more vulnerable to vaginal infections.

The most common symptom of a BV infection is unusual, fishy-smelling vaginal discharge. A doctor can diagnose BV by examining a sample of the vaginal fluid. A health care worker can also look at a sample of the vulva and vaginal lining with a microscope to detect a decrease in lactobacilli or an abnormal change in the acidity or pH of the vaginal fluid.

Sex Addiction

Just like alcoholism, which was once thought to be a men-only problem, sexual addiction affects females as well. The gender differences are significant, however, and experts are only now beginning to understand the many ways it manifests in women.

Sex addiction is characterized by a persistent and compulsive desire for sex that is out of control, despite negative consequences. In some cases, it may involve the compulsion to masturbate or engage in other compulsive sexual behaviors. Others may become preoccupied with fantasies of sex or spend excessive time watching pornography. Other symptoms include an inability to stop these behaviors, escalation of the behavior over time and intense mood swings, including rage.

Sexual addiction can damage your relationships with friends and family members, and it may interfere with your ability to work or attend school. It can also make it difficult to cope with stressful events or emotions. You may begin to miss social activities or other obligations, such as your child’s birthday party, because you are too busy pursuing sex.

Medications can help treat sexual addiction by affecting your brain’s hormone and impulse controls. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), or medications that act on your neurotransmitters, including antiandrogens. Psychotherapy is another option. It teaches you to replace negative thoughts with healthier ones and helps you change the way you think about sex.

Heart Problems

Heart problems are one of the main causes of death among Australians, and they can affect females differently from men. Some of these differences include the signs, symptoms, and risk factors. However, some of these differences can be avoided by making lifestyle changes. Women can also be more affected by heart disease because of pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Research into sex-specific pathways in the heart could help reduce the rate of heart attacks in women and improve treatment for them. It may even allow for more accurate diagnosis of heart problems. This is a key step in improving the lives of people living with heart disease.

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