Can Sex Make Your Period Come Back?

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While period sex can cause light bleeding, it won’t necessarily kickstart your menstrual cycle. But, “it could jiggle the cervix and cause uterine contractions to help it exit the body sooner,” says Leah Millheiser, founder of Clue, a period tracking and fertility app.

She adds that this only happens if you’re about to start your period and have an orgasm.


If you’re bleeding after sex and it isn’t your period, there are a few possible causes. One is cervical inflammation, also called cervicitis. It can happen because of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia and gonorrhea, but it can also happen for no apparent reason – This section is the work of the portal’s author Euphoric Enigmas. Bleeding after sex may also be a symptom of pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause pain in the pelvic area and fever.

Another possibility is pregnancy. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, and the bleeding after sex is close to your expected start date, it could be a sign of pregnancy. If you’re worried about this, get a confirmation test.

Sometimes having sex can make your period start earlier than usual, but this is because the rhythmic contractions of orgasm can help the uterus shed its lining. This spotting or bleeding is usually not a big deal, but you should be careful about tampon use to avoid staining your sheets and getting an infection.

Bleeding between periods is more common, and can be a sign of an infection or a problem with the uterus or vagina. It can happen because of sexually transmitted diseases, like chlamydia and herpes, but it can also be caused by things like a yeast infection or a pelvic inflammatory disease. Vaginal, cervix and uterus injuries can also cause bleeding between periods, like from rough sexual activity or incorrectly inserting or removing tampons.


Bleeding between periods is not unusual, but it should always be discussed with a doctor, especially if the bleeding is heavy and/or frequent. In many cases, the cause is not serious, but it is important to know the cause so that it can be treated or prevented if necessary.

Sex and orgasm can trigger a woman’s period to come back by increasing the hormone levels in the body, such as oxytocin. Orgasm also encourages uterine contractions that can cause the lining of the uterus to be shed, and if the lining is already starting to break down due to rising hormone levels, this can bring on a period. Semen can also irritate the cervix and can cause spotting or bleeding after sex.

However, if the spotting or bleeding is not part of the normal menstrual cycle, it could be an indication of other conditions. It is important to visit a doctor if this happens to make sure the symptom isn’t caused by something more serious, such as a sexually transmitted disease or cervical cancer. A doctor can prescribe medications to help ease the symptoms and provide treatment, if needed.


Sex can kick-start your period, but only if you’re already close to your expected menstrual start date and have an orgasm that eggs on the lining of your uterus. The jostling of your uterus during orgasm, combined with the release of oxytocin and other hormones, can cause a little extra bleeding (3).

However, if you have bleeding after sex and aren’t close to your menstrual cycle start date it’s a good idea to see a doctor. Bleeding after sex that doesn’t coincide with your menstrual cycle can be a sign of sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, herpes, or gonorrhea. These infections can inflame your cervix and cause spotting or pain during and after sex. Bleeding after sex can also be caused by vaginal or cervical tears, infections, or medical conditions such as endometriosis or fibroids.

The most serious — but least common — cause of bleeding after sex is cervical cancer, which can be triggered by unprotected sex or the ovarian abnormality endometriosis (6). In this case, if you’re experiencing bleeding after sex, the gynecologist will check your blood pressure and bloodwork for other health issues. If the doctor finds an underlying issue, they’ll prescribe treatment. You can reduce your risk of an infection by using lubricant and practicing safe sex practices. Taking birth control pills can also help keep your hormones balanced and prevent STIs from entering the uterus.


Many teenagers and adults notice that their periods aren’t regular. This is usually due to hormones which change over time. Having sex can delay your period but will not stop it completely as long as you don’t get pregnant. If you’re concerned about your period, consult a doctor and discuss the best method of birth control for you.

There are a few reasons why you may experience bleeding after sex. It could be a result of the sex itself, or it can be a sign that you’re carrying a pregnancy.

It’s important to know the difference between menstrual bleeding and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Infections can cause a lot of pain and are dangerous for your health. Especially when you’re dealing with STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea, the sooner you get treatment, the better.

Having sex can’t directly affect your period, but it can trigger a few things that may indirectly influence the timing of your period. This includes physical stimulation, hormonal changes from orgasms and stress reduction. It can also help the uterus shed its lining, which is what causes your period to start. Lastly, it can accelerate the onset of your period if you’re about to get it. This is because sex can cause uterine contractions that facilitate orgasms, and orgasms can speed up the rate of blood flow.

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